U8s-U12/13s JANUARY 17TH-19TH
Legends Invitational Tournament is an elite level 6 a side competition contested at Easts Rugby, 22a O'Sullivan Rd, Rose Bay.
Age groups represented are U8-U12/13s.
All teams play 7 matches. The first 5 rounds are the group stages. Following the group stage teams will be allocated to the Cup, Shield or Plate Semi Finals based on their group stage placing.
Working Together
We seek sponsorships from relevant companies and organisations that share our vision of a happier, healthier community. Sponsors play a crucial part in making our Sports Tournament a reality. If you want to join our growing list of sponsors, or learn more about who they are, contact us today.
Simpl Recruitment
Simpl Recruitment was established to streamline the recruitment process with a focus on meeting the expectations of both clients and candidates, ensuring long-term success for everyone involved.
Grill'd Healthy Burgers
Making burgers doesn’t make us the same as fast food. We’re not their alternative. We are the solution. Guilt-free, healthy burgers you don’t need a hangover for. It’s been our focus, our passion, our point of difference since the beginning.
MSquared Capital
Msquared provides its investors with high-quality, risk-rated returns, paid monthly, backed by property.
Interested in earning up to double-digit returns with income paid